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Ressourcen-Hub – Rahmenwerke oder Prinzipien

Rahmenwerke oder Prinzipien

Entdecken Sie wichtige Rahmenwerke oder Prinzipien, die Finanzfachleuten als Leitfaden dienen. Die nachstehende Abbildung gibt Überblick darüber und erklärt, was sie beinhalten und wann und warum sie verwendet werden. Die folgende Tabelle bietet einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Rahmenwerke, die für den Bereich relevant sind. Sie können nach Zielgruppe oder Themen filtern oder direkt nach Schlüsselwörtern suchen. Für ein optimales Erlebnis empfehlen wir, von einem Laptop auf diese Seite zuzugreifen und sie im Vollbildmodus anzuzeigen

Find a Framework
wdt_ID Name Description Targets Themes Members / AUM
1 2X Challenge Financing for Women Unlock resources that will help advance women’s economic empowerment and gender equality. Financial Institutions Diversity & Inclusion, Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment NA
2 A Legal Framework For Impact Analyse how investors can manage their fiduciary and sustainability impact duties and what happens if they are in conflict. Investors Impact Investing, Sustainable Finance 539 / NA
3 Asset Owner Diversity Charter Formalise a set of actions to improve diversity, in all forms, across the investment industry. Asset Owners Diversity & Inclusion, Justice 26 / £1 tn
4 Biodiversity Footprint for Financial Institutions (BFFI) An impact assessment approach developed to enable financial institutions integrate biodiversity impact into their investment decisions. Financial Institutions Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Environment NA
5 CDSB framework for reporting environmental and climate change information Approach for reporting environmental and climate change information in mainstream reports, such as annual reports, 10-K filing, or integrated reports. Companies, Financial Institutions Accounting, Climate Disclosure, Environment NA
6 Equator Principles (EPs) Minimum requirements to determine, assess and manage environmental and social risks in projects financing. Financial Institutions, Infrastructures, Organisations Project Finance Environment Risk, Social Risk 128 / NA
7 European Microfinance Platform Assess the environmental performance of financial services providers and other stakeholders in green inclusive finance and defines action plans to improve. Academia, Financial Institutions Microfinance 95 / NA
8 GHG Protocol for Project Accounting (GHG Project Protocol) Quantify the greenhouse gas benefits of climate change mitigation projects. Organisations Project Finance Accounting, GHG Emissions NA
9 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Provides a set of goals and targets aiming to catalyze and enable urgent and transformative action in our societies’ relationship with biodiversity by 2030. Financial Institutions Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Environment NA
10 Green / Social / Sustainability linked Loan Principles (GLP, SLP, SLLP) Promote integrity in the development of the loan market by clarifying how to categorize loans as green / social / or sustainability linked. Financial Institutions, Green Loans, Social Loans, Sustainability-linked Loans Environment, Social, Sustainable Finance NA

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