High Level Expert Forum for Sustainable Finance (HLEF): Co-Creating the Future of Sustainable Finance
Join the interactive High-Level Expert Forum for Sustainable Finance to discuss with a selected group of experts from industry, academia and politics and co-create new solutions to effectively increase energy efficiency and sustainable energy in the real economy. The following core questions will be addressed:
– How can investors in public equity and public debt effectively increase energy efficiency and sustainable energy investment in the real economy?
– How to design minimum requirements for impact mechanisms like stewardship, financing of undersupplied markets, provision of flexible capital and signaling?
– What are theoretical and practical barriers to impact evaluation for financial products and existing quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods?
– How can distributors and manufactures mitigate greenwashing risks through ensuring legitimate environmental impact claims?
– How can fund managers measure and integrate non-financial preferences of their beneficiaries?
– What is the interplay of and the need to enhance relevant regulatory frameworks such as PEPP, PRIIPS, AIFMD, MiFID II, SRDII and SFDR Article 8 & 9?
– How can the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive funnel funds to make Europe’s buildings truly sustainable and energy-efficient?