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Datenplattformen, die Sie auf Ihrem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Finanzierung unterstützen.

Ressourcen-Hub – Datenplattformen


Entdecken Sie die wichtigsten Datenplattformen, die wissenschaftlich fundierte, vergleichbare und harmonisierte Open-Source-Datensätze bereitstellen.

Die nachstehende Abbildung gibt einen Überblick darüber und erklärt, was sie beinhalten und wann und warum sie verwendet werden. In der Tabelle können Sie nach Plattformtyp, Zielgruppe, Themen und Branchen filtern oder direkt mit Schlüsselwörtern suchen. Für ein optimales Ergebnis empfehlen wir, von einem Laptop auf diese Seite zuzugreifen und sie im Vollbildmodus anzuzeigen.

Eine Plattform finden
wdt_ID Name Description Tool types Targets Themes Industries/Sectors
1 ACT - Assessing Low Carbon Transition Assess corporates’ climate strategy against the required low-carbon transition and associated sector-specific decarbonization trajectories. Company Assessment, Target Setting Financial Institutions, Companies Target Setting, Transition Agriculture, Aluminum, Automotive, Cement, Chemical, Consumer Goods, Cross-sectoral, Glass, Industrial, Oil & Gas, Paper, Real Estate, Steel, Transport, Utility
2 Adaptation, Biodiversity and Carbon Mapping Tool (ABC-Map) Assess the environmental impact of National Policies and Plans (NDC, NAPs, etc) and investments in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector. Maps, Scenario Analysis, Target Setting Academia, Institutions, Companies Adaptation, Biodiversity, Transition Agriculture, Forestry
3 Aqueduct Map water risks such as floods, droughts, and water stress, also linked to agriculture and food security. Maps, Risk Assessment Academia, Financial Institutions, Policy Makers, Companies Water, Land Use Agriculture, Cross-sectoral
4 Atlas data Offer an all-in-one approach to data management and insights in financial inclusion. Database Asset Owners, Banks, Financial Institutions Impact, Microfinance, Social Cross-sectoral
5 B-Impact Assessment Assess, manage, compare impact and improve a company's impact and benchmark against peers. Overall score and areas of improvements are provided. Company Assessment Asset Owners, Financial Institutions, Companies Community, Environment, Governance, Impact, Social, Workforce Cross-sectoral
6 Biodiversity Guidance Navigation tool Guided natural capital self-assessment (biodiversity-inclusive), with interactive questions and supporting resources. Guide users through a biodiversity-inclusive natural capital assessment, following the steps outlined in the Natural Capital Protocol; Fr Company Assessment Financial Institutions, Companies Biodiversity, Natural Capital Cross-sectoral
7 WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter Explore, map, assess, value and respond to biodiversity risks in companies' operations, supply chain and investments. Maps, Risk Assessment Academia, Policy Makers, Financial Institutions, Companies Biodiversity, Climate, Deforestation, Land Use, Natural Capital, Risk, Water Cross-sectoral
8 CA100+'s Net Zero Company Benchmark Focus on companies that are key to driving the global net-zero emissions transition. Assess companies among the Climate Action 100+ focus on disclosure indicators, to clarify expectations and track progress. Company Assessment Financial Institutions, Companies Reporting, Target Setting, Transition Automotive, Aviation, Chemical, Cement, Coal, Consumer Goods, Cross-sectoral, Mining, Oil & Gas, Paper, Power Generation, Services, Shipping, Steel, Utility
9 Carbon Pricing Dashboard Provide a map and key statistics on existing and emerging carbon pricing initiatives around the world. Maps, Knowledge Financial Institutions, Companies Transition Cross-sectorial
10 Carbon Tracker’s Company profiles Provide in-depth analysis on the impact of the energy transition on capital markets and the potential investment in high-cost, carbon-intensive fossil fuels. Company Assessment Asset Owners, Financial Institutions Climate, Risk, Transition Coal, Energy, Oil & Gas

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