Schulungen, die Sie auf Ihrem Weg zu nachhaltigen Finanzen unterstützen.
Schulungsprogramme für Sustainable Finance
Entdecken Sie umfassende Schulungsprogramme über Sustainable Finance, ein sich schnell entwickelnder Bereich, in dem Fachleute über die notwendigen Finanz- und Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen verfügen müssen, um die Komplexität zu bewältigen. Nachfolgend finden Sie eine umfassende Liste der in Luxemburg, im Ausland und online verfügbaren Angebote. Verwenden Sie die Filter, um die Schulungsoptionen zu finden, die Ihren Anforderungen, Ihrem Fachwissen oder Ihren Interessengebieten am besten entsprechen.
wdt_ID | Tittle | Provider | Description | Target / Admission requirements | Themes | Course type | Online / In person | Duration / Time comittment |
1 | The EU Taxonomy in practice: how to advance funds and capital markets" | Arendt & Medernach | Overview of the EU sustainable finance package, including the Taxonomy Regulation, SFDR, CSRD, MiFID II, and EU Green Bond Standard, with insights on disclosures, compliance, and market adaptation through case studies. | Legal, regulatory and compliance officers, risk managers, board members of regulated financial market participants in charge of ESG-related matters. | Regulation, Sustainable Finance | Seminar | Luxembourg | 3h |
2 | Sustainable Finance Series | Arendt & Medernach | A comprehensive three-module training program providing insights into sustainable finance regulations, ESG strategy implementation, risk management, and distribution to help financial professionals navigate the evolving ESG landscape. | Knowledge of sustainable finance concepts and requirements | Risk Management, Sustainable Finance | Seminar | Luxembourg | 3,5h |
3 | Regulatory Update –Keeping up to date with Sustainable Finance | Arendt & Medernach | Overview of ESG principles and strategies, focusing on sustainability trends, market reactions, disclosure, and taxonomy, to help organizations seize performance opportunities and manage risks effectively. | Compliance Officers, Product Managers, Conducting Officers | Data, Regualtion, Sustainable Finance | Seminar | Luxembourg | 2h |
4 | Responsible and Sustainable Finance | Awarding Body University College Dublin | Introduction to climate change, EU regulatory initiatives, non-financial disclosures, climate and sustainability reporting, climate related risks and green, social, and sustainable bonds. | No pre-requisites | Bonds, Climate Risk, Regulation, Sustainable Finance | Certificate | Online | 3m |
5 | Climate School Catalogue | AXA Climate School | Multiple courses covering various sustainability-related challenges such as: Climate system, Biodiversity, Natural resources, Inequalities and Climate Change, Human Rights, Water Crisis and how to address them | No pre-requisites | Biodiversity, Climate Risk, Climate Change, Natural Capital, Sustainability | Seminar | Online | Variable |
6 | Regulation School catalog | AXA Climate School | Multiples courses covering EU Regulation on Sustainable Finance (e.g. Taxonomy, SFDR, CSRD) and frameworks (e.g. TCFD, TNFD). | No pre-requisites, French | Regulation, Sustainable Finance | Seminar | Online | Variable |
7 | CESGA® - Certified ESG Analyst | AZEK | Develop a better understanding of the needs of capital markets in terms of ESG information and provides the tools to embrace holistically ESG integration. | Financial professionals | Sustainable Finance, Wealth Management | Certificate | Online | 100h |
8 | Microfinance Training Program (MFT) | Boulder Institute of Microfinance | Understanding of the strategies MFIs have used to segment clients and respond to their circumstances, looking at tactical and strategic responses in the areas of product design, HR, portfolio, and financial management, and helping MFIs explore how to bala | Work experience | Data, Microfinance, Reporting, Risk Management, Strategies | Executive | Online | 60h across 2,5m |
9 | Transforming Business: Valuing social and human capital | Capitals Coalition | Introduction to social and human capital issues and their relationship with human rights and sustainability. | No pre-requisites | Human Rights, Measurement, Social Impact | Seminar | Online | 8h |
10 | Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making | Capitals Coalition | Introduction to the capitals approach and to undertaking a natural capital assessment. | No pre-requisites | Climate Change, Measurement, Natural Capital, Risk Management, Sustainable Finance | Certificate | E-learning | 21h |
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