About us - Who we are
LSFI – Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative
A public-private association promoting sustainable finance in Luxembourg and abroad.
The Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (LSFI) is a not-for-profit association that designs and implements the Sustainable Finance Strategy for the Luxembourg financial centre. Our objective is to raise awareness, promote and help develop sustainable finance initiatives in Luxembourg.
The LSFI was founded in January 2020 by the Luxembourg Government, Luxembourg for Finance (the agency for the development of the financial centre) and the High Council for Sustainable Development (Conseil Supérieur du Développement Durable), an independent advisory body to the Luxembourg Government about sustainable development matters that represents the civil society.
The idea of creating an association which would promote sustainable finance in Luxembourg dates back to 2018 when the Luxembourg Government published, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Program, the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Roadmap. One of the main recommendations of the Roadmap was to create a Sustainable Finance Initiative.
As a consequence, in its 2018-2023 Coalition Agreement, the Luxembourg Government announced the set-up of the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative which would gather relevant stakeholders of the sustainable finance sector. The initiative would be co-chaired by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development.
Notre mission
The LSFI is a coordinating entity and aims to be a central point of contact and information for all sustainable finance actors in Luxembourg. We raise awareness, promote and help the financial sector further transition towards increased sustainability. We also elaborate and implement the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Strategy.
Our actions are built around three pillars:
- Raising awareness and Promoting Sustainable Finance
- Unlocking Potential
- Measuring Progress
Would you like to know more about what we do? Visit our dedicated page.
A dedicated and enthusiastic team! The LSFI team is made of professionals who are genuinely passionate about sustainability and best ways to integrate it into the Luxembourg financial sector .
Nicoletta Centofanti
Interim General Manager
Maria Tapia Rojo
Communication Manager
Rencontrez le conseil d'administration
A Board of directors governs the LSFI and meets regularly to discuss and monitor the implementation of its Strategy. It is chaired by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development. The Board also includes representatives of Luxembourg for Finance and of the High Council on Sustainable Development.
Jimmy Skenderovic
President – Senior Adviser at the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
Jenny de Nijs
Vice President – Special Adviser for Sustainable Finance, Ministry of Finance
Philipp von Restorff
Treasurer – Deputy CEO of Luxembourg for Finance