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Green Ocean & Sustainable Investments

On June 9th, at the European Convention Center, discussions and debates will be focused on “What is the real impact of sustainable investments on the financial industry and what are the risks and opportunities around the taxonomy and the R-ecovery R-esilience P-lan”.
FFF22 will combine keynote speakers, interviews and panels. The goal is to present clear, straightforward key messages and takeaways.
Five main topics will be discussed during the panels. This includes the alternative investment and the search of sustainability in the alternative world, sustainability reporting and what will become the norm under SFDR and the Delegated Act. Another discussion will cover how investors shifting lifestyles influence sustainable investments. The Taxonomy and how to avoid green washing and a discussion around the opportunity for infrastructure around the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

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Jun 09 2022


8:00 am - 2:30 pm




FARAD group