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Sustainable Blue Finance: from guidance to practice

Life Below Water, Sustainable Development Goal 14, is among the least funded of the SDGs, despite a healthy ocean being critical to combat climate change and for sustainable development globally. Interest to align approaches with SDG 14 is rising among banks, investors and insurers globally. However, a reliable track record of projects and deals with a clear sustainability focus is so far lacking. The importance of knowledge-sharing and peer-learning in the transition to a sustainable blue economy cannot be overstated. To overcome this roadblock and start building a track record of “blue finance” approaches, this event aims to showcase the practical actions taken by financial institutions towards implementing the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles and associated Turning the Tide Guidance. Four leading institutions engaging with sustainable blue finance will introduce a case study ahead of a live Q&A session. The event will mark the launch of the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative’s case studies portfolio.

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Feb. 17 2022


10:00 am - 11:15 am


