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Netzwerke, die Sie auf Ihrem Weg zu nachhaltigen Finanzen unterstützen.

Ressourcen-Hub – Netzwerke


Entdecken Sie wichtige auf Mitgliedschaft basierende Netzwerke, auch bekannt als Allianzen, Koalitionen oder Initiativen, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, Erkenntnisse auszutauschen, Herausforderungen zu teilen und Best Practices mit Branchenkollegen zu identifizieren. Die nachstehende Abbildung gibt einen Überblick und erklärt, was sie beinhalten und wann und warum sie verwendet werden. Die folgende Tabelle zeigt die wichtigsten Netzwerke auf. Sie können nach Zielen, Themen und Regionen filtern oder direkt mit Schlüsselwörtern suchen. Für ein optimales Erlebnis empfehlen wir, diese Seite von einem Laptop aufzurufen und im Vollbildmodus anzuzeigen.

Find a Network 
wdt_ID Name Description Targets Themes Region Members/Signatories/AUM
1 2X Global Advance intersectional investment agendas, level up gender-smart investments, and scale the field of gender finance. Asset Managers, Asset Owners, Companies, Investors, Pension Funds, Service Providers Diversity & Inclusion, Gender Equality Global $16,3 bn
2 ACCOUNTING BODIES NETWORK Help achieve a common approach to accounting for sustainability. Associations, Organisations Accounting, Net-Zero, Sustainable Finance Global 16 representing 2,5 mm accountants / NA
3 African Natural Capital Alliance Mobilise the response to the risk of nature loss to ensure policies and practices integrate the risks and opportunities tied to Africa’s natural capital. Financial Institutions, NGOs, Organisations, States, Biodiversity, Natural Capital, SDGs Africa 9+ / NA
4 Alliance for Financial Inclusion Empower policymakers to increase access and usage of quality financial services for the underserved through the formulation, implementation and global advocacy of sustainable and inclusive policies. Central Banks, Regulators Diversity & Inclusion, Social, Sustainable Finance Emerging Markets 89 / NA
5 Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) Create awareness and encourage action regarding the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and net-zero investing. Asset Managers, Asset Owners, Service Providers Net-Zero Asia, Pacific 72 / $35 tn
6 Australian Sustainable Finance Institute Align the finance sector to create a sustainable and resilient financial system by directing capital to support greater social, environmental and economic outcomes. Academia, Associations, Companies, Financial Institutions, States Sustainable Finance Australia 39 / NA
7 Banking Environment Initiative Lead the banking industry in directing capital towards sustainable economic development. Banks Biodiversity, Environment, Net-Zero Global 7 / NA
8 Bundesinitiative Impact Investing (BIII) Build awareness of impact investing and promote education, science and research in the field of impact investing. Academia, Financial Institutions, Pension funds Impact Investment Germany 110 / NA
9 Business for Nature (BfN) Bring together all types of organizations calling for governments to adopt policies to reverse nature loss. Academia, Companies, Financial Institutions, NGOs, Organisations Biodiversity, Environment Global 95 / NA
10 Capitals Coalition (CC) Redefine capitals approach to empowering decisions making, understanding how success is underpinned by natural, social and human capital. Academia, Companies, Financial Institutions, Organisations, States Accounting, Biodiversity, Natural Capital Global 450+ / NA

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