Addressing biodiversity and ecosystem risk through responsible investments
More than half of the world’s gross domestic product (US$44 trillion) is moderately or highly dependent on nature and its services – such as the provision of food, fibre and fuel – and the unprecedented loss of biodiversity places this value at risk. It is critical that institutional investors take action to halt the loss of biodiversity. Conversely, taking action against biodiversity loss offers opportunities. For investors, a clear understanding of the potential impact that biodiversity loss might have on the risk-return profile of investees, as well as on an overall portfolio, will be important – exposure to some sectors may lead to those assets becoming stranded, if not properly managed.
In this webinar organised in partnership with Rainforest Foundation Norway, Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) will share its approach to addressing nature-related risks and opportunities across its global investment portfolio, including policy development, standard-setting and company engagement.