Networks to help you navigate your sustainable finance journey.
Resource Hub – Networks
Explore key membership-based networks, also known as alliances, coalitions, or initiatives, that enable you to exchange insights, share challenges, and identify best practices with peers. The image below provides an overview of these, explaining what they are, as well as when and why to use them. The table below provides an overview of the main ones. You can filter by Targets, Themes, and Regions or search directly using keywords. For the best experience, we recommend accessing this page on a laptop and viewing it in full-screen mode.
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wdt_ID | Name | Description | Targets | Themes | Region | Members, Signatories / AUM Feb2025 |
1 | Business for Nature (BfN) | Bring together all types of organizations calling for governments to adopt policies to reverse nature loss. | Academia, Companies, Financial Institutions, NGOs, Organisations | Biodiversity, Environment | Global | 112 / NA |
2 | Climate Action 100+ (CA 100+) | +160 companies that are critical to the Net-zeros transition. | Asset Managers, Asset Owners, Service Providers | Disclosure, Net-Zero | Global | 600+ / $60 tn |
3 | Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GBAV) | Make the banking system more transparent and sustainable. | Banks | Sustainable Finance | Global | 70 / $265 bn |
4 | African Natural Capital Alliance | Mobilise the response to the risk of nature loss to ensure policies and practices integrate the risks and opportunities tied to Africa’s natural capital. | Financial Institutions, NGOs, Organisations, States | Biodiversity, Natural Capital, SDGs | Africa | 50+ / 1,3+ bn |
5 | Bundesinitiative Impact Investing (BIII) | Build awareness of impact investing and promote education, science and research in the field of impact investing. | Academia, Financial Institutions, Pension funds | Impact Investment | Germany | 110+ / NA |
6 | Global Capacity Building Coalition | Enhance collaboration and respond to growing requests for capacity building support from financial institutions in EMDEs. | Data, Financial Institutions, Foundations, Organisations | Blended Finance, Environment, Natural Capital, Net-zero, Sustainable Finance | Global | 23 / $400 million |
7 | Capitals Coalition (CC) | Redefine capitals approach to empowering decisions making, understanding how success is underpinned by natural, social and human capital. | Academia, Companies, Financial Institutions, Organisations, States | Accounting, Biodiversity, Natural Capital | Global | 450+ / NA |
8 | Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) | Develop a harmonized approach to assess and disclose the greenhouse gas emissions associated with loans and investments. It has developed GHG accounting methodologies that apply to any financial institution. | Asset Owners, Financial Institutions | Accounting, GHG Emissions, Net-Zero, Reporting, Target-setting | Global | 579 / $93.7 tn |
9 | Circular Bioeconomy Alliance | Accelerate the transition to a circular bioeconomy that is climate neutral, inclusive and prospers in harmony with nature. | Academia, Asset Managers, Companies, Investors, NGOs, Organisations | Biodiversity, Circular Economy, Ecosystems, Environment, Natural Capital | Global | 52 / NA |
10 | Climate Governance Initiative | Provide knowledge and skills in climate governance to non-executive and independent directors to accelerate the transition to net zero and build climate resilience. | Executives, Independent Directors | Net-Zero | Global | 33 / NA |
Disclaimer – Please note that LSFI is a not-for-profit association aiming to support the development of sustainable finance. The content of LSFI’s website aims to serve this purpose by giving information that would help its audience better understand and navigate sustainable finance’s concepts and stakeholders. This work does not aim to be fully comprehensive or to promote one organisation over another. It is also by no means to be considered as financial or legal advice.