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We are thrilled to release the 2023 LSFI Annual Report, detailing the activities we have undertaken over the past year across the three pillars of our action plan outlined in the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Strategy: Awareness Raising & Promotion, Unlocking Potential and Measuring Progress.

In 2023 we have focused on:

  • Strengthening our role as a coordinating entity, helping connect a very driven community through the organisation of roundtables and our stakeholder assembly;
  • Providing practical tools to help Luxembourg financial institutions navigate complex sustainable finance journey: technical working groups, masterclasses and our web-based Take Action toolkit.
  • Monitoring the progress of the financial centre towards sustainability, enriching our Study “Sustainable Finance in Luxembourg” and becoming the data partner of the Founders of the Luxembourg Women in Finance Charter.

We look forward to continuing working with our board, stakeholders and partners to bolster the Luxembourg sustainable finance ecosystem and drive forward the vital transition ahead of us.

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