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EU Sustainable Finance Regulation

Find out what the main legislative pieces are

Sustainable finance has grown considerably over the last years. To foster this development as well as to ensure it is made in a standardised and transparent manner, international and national authorities across the globe work on a regulatory framework to streamline this matter.

At the EU level, this task is being oversight by the European Commission (EC). In 2018, the EC published its Action Plan on Sustainable Finance to set out a comprehensive strategy to further connect finance with sustainability. This was complemented in 2019 by the EU Green Deal, a growth strategy aiming to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, and in 2021 by the Strategy for Financing the Transition to a sustainable economy. In addition, in 2023, the Commission put forward a new package of measures to build on and strengthen the foundations of the EU sustainable finance framework.

To implement some of the key actions outlined in the Action Plan and its subsequent updates, the European Commission has launched and will launch several measures in the form of regulations, directives, delegated acts and/or standards such as the European Taxonomy, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation or the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Standards.

This toolkit provides an overview of seven major sustainable finance legislative pieces, which can be found below. It aims to help the Luxembourg financial sector stay up to date in a simplified manner, giving definitions, responding to key questions and gathering dates and links.

EU Sustainable Finance Legislation:

Find out more about the EU sustainable finance plans:


The content of the website toolkit “Resource Hub – Regulation”, including all its sections, has been developed by the LSFI with the support of PwC Luxembourg.

This website toolkit is exclusively designed for the general information of readers only and aims to give information that would help better understand and navigate sustainable finance regulation.

The content of this toolkit belongs exclusively to the LSFI. It can’t be copied, reproduced or used without prior authorisation from the authors.

This disclaimer applies to all the sections of the toolkit “Take Action – Regulation”: overview, in short, in depth, timeline, and acronyms & definitions.

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This website toolkit is (i) not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity, and (ii) not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date and hence cannot be relied upon to take business decisions. It is also by no means to be considered financial or legal advice. The author does not guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future.

The reader must be aware that the information to which he/she has access is provided “as is” without any express or implied guarantee by the authors. The authors cannot be held liable for mistakes, omissions, or for the possible effects, results or outcome obtained further to the use of this publication or for any loss which may arise from reliance on materials contained in this publication, which is for informative purposes only. No reader should act on or refrain from acting on the basis of any matter contained in this online toolkit without considering and, if necessary, taking appropriate advice in respect of their own particular circumstances.

About the LSFI 

The Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (LSFI), a non-profit organization, is Luxembourg coordinating entity in Sustainable Finance and a central point of contact and information for all sustainable finance actors in Luxembourg.

Its mission is to raise awareness and help the financial sector further transition towards increased sustainability. The LSFI has also been mandated to elaborate and implement the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Strategy. More information about the LSFI here.

About PwC Luxembourg 

PwC Luxembourg ( is the largest professional services firm in Luxembourg with over 3,100 people employed from 85 different countries. PwC Luxembourg provides audit, tax and advisory services including management consulting, transaction, financing and regulatory advice. The firm provides advice to a wide variety of clients from local and middle market entrepreneurs to large multinational companies operating from Luxembourg and the Greater Region. The firm helps its clients create the value they are looking for by contributing to the smooth operation of the capital markets and providing advice through an industry-focused approach.

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 152 countries with over 328,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at and